I had a load of fun doing a September rearview, so here goes October 2010-2015.

2010: Started hanging out with Maria Heidi and Sofia as they had fake-IDs. (Haha, I know, what great aspect to build a friendship upon.) After Halloween we started going out just about every weekend; every Monday planning where to go next time. Oh, that excitement of being 17.

2010: Started hanging out with Maria Heidi and Sofia as they had fake-IDs. (Haha, I know, what great aspect to build a friendship upon.) After Halloween we started going out just about every weekend; every Monday planning where to go next time. Oh, that excitement of being 17.

2011: I went to Helsinki! Or Hell's sink, as I may have rebaptized it. To be with my soumi sweethearts, drink mojitos and go to the "Skins party"; we were hardcore fans obviously. The actor who plays Thomas in generation 2 was there, and we all pulled the same "Hello, I'm *inserts own name instead of Thomas*. So glad to meet you"-line greeting him.

2012: Gotta love the autumn breaks. (Won't get a proper one this year so a little nostalgic </3) 2012 I went to Norway. Spending the weekend with Juni and Sarra in a cabin in the mountains, then a few days with Ida and Emelie who had imigrated to Oslo for the time.

2013: First time in Chiang Mai (and the north of Thailand) and I fell head over heels. (While Elme fell off a scooter.) We spent time in Pai, took the slow boat down the Mekong river and explored beautiful Laos.

2014: Back in Sweden. Worked at my old job once again, spent time catching up with old friends and cooking for ma and pa.These photos are lost in the computer that won't charge though </3

2015: Present day! I'm sat drinking microwaved coffee; writing this post rather than writing on school work. Vive le week-end!